Cognos metric studio online training by real time scenario (Engineering/Software Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Engineering/Software Jobs > Cognos metric studio online training by real time scenario

Job ID 650014  In Category: Engineering/Software

Cognos metric studio online training by real time scenario

Hiring Company: Optimus solution
Location: All Cities, Georgia
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 05, 2018 12:09:31 PM
Full Job Description:

Cognos Metric Studio Course Content

Overview of IBM Cognos 8 BI
• Discuss IBM Cognos 8 and Performance Management
• Describe IBM Cognos 8 BI components
• Describe IBM Cognos 8 architecture at a high level
• Define IBM Cognos 8 BI groups and roles
• Explain how to extend IBM Cognos 8 BI
Overview of IBM Cognos 8 Metric Studio
• Identify scorecarding methodologies
• Explain how to identify and map requirements
• Explain the Metric Studio architecture and potential data sources
• Describe how to enhance the Metric Studio application
• Identify how security is implemented in Metric Studio
Define the Application Environment
• Create a Metric Studio application
• Create a connection to a metric store
• Identify how a scorecard structure is built
• Identify ways in which metric status is calculated
• Identify application administration tasks and scheduling
Overview of Loading and Calculating Data
• Describe the data loading architecture
• Identify potential data sources
• Identify data management processes
• Describe how data is staged prior to loading into the metric store
• Describe scores and trends
Load Data using IBM Cognos 8 Metric Designer
• Describe Metric Designer
• Configure Metric Designer
• Create objects extracts
• Create metrics extracts
• Execute and publish extracts
Load Data using Alternative Methods
• Load data from flat files
• Load data from a relational database
• Describe how to load data from IBM Cognos Planning
Manually Create Metrics and Calculate Data
• Describe the types of calculated metrics
• Create a derived metric
• Create a derived index metric type
• Create a formula-based calculated metric
Refine the Scorecard Application
• Organize metrics by strategy
• Track long-term goals using projects
• View performance graphically using diagrams
• Use Metric Studio data in a IBM Cognos 8 report
• Use Metric Studio default analysis reports
• Add Metric Studio content to the portal
• Control user navigation paths
Set Application and Object-Level Security
• Identify authentication and authorization
• Identify groups and roles
• Use pre-defined IBM Cognos 8 roles
• Secure Metric Studio applications and objects
Modify Default Environment Properties
• Modify business calendar settings
• Modify default display settings
• Set status indicator properties
• Modify the appearance of metric names
• Manage custom units of measurement

Interview and Placement provided(USA)
Economical and Affordable
Choose your convenient time
Traings will provided by real time professionals
Job support & Interview support will be provided
Weekly and monthly test for Trainee.

Thanks & Regards
PH : 609-365-7993(USA), +91-9866176884(Ind)

Company Type: Staffing Firm
Contact Name : David
Contact Phone: 609-365-7993
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 432
USA Jobs Online > Engineering/Software Jobs > Cognos metric studio online training by real time scenario