One Parking (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > One Parking

Job ID 650752  In Category: Other

One Parking

Hiring Company: One Parking
Location: All Cities, California
Job Type: Contract
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 17, 2018 02:43:18 AM
Full Job Description:

321 W Katella Ave Anaheim CA 92802
Phone 714-780-0148
Category Parking Garages, Parking Lots, Airport Parking

"One Parking is a boutique parking company managing over 80,000 parking spaces across the nation. Since 2004, everyone from the management team to the professional parking attendants, have been singularly focused on maximizing revenue and service levels of their clients’ parking assets. The team prides themselves on consistent client service grounded in valuable insight and fast response time.

By maintaining close relationships with management and tenants, One Parking’s experienced team has a clear and current understanding of the evolving needs of every property and parking garage. They hold an unprecedented position in the parking industry by using a unique formula to doing parking better.

One Parking promises an action plan to gain full control of the client’s parking assets. Consistently professional execution maximizes capacity and income without sacrificing any of the parking company’s premium services, which include:

Shuttle Transportation
Asset Management

The One Parking difference has enhanced properties that include China Basin in San Francisco, New York City’s 1411 Broadway, to CityPlace in West Palm Beach, FL. High profile, sophisticated property owners like Related Companies and Tishman Speyer recognize the value of incredible service for their parking garages and lots. Regardless of the experience and demands of their clients, One Parking expertly manages the assets of diverse properties and the millions of individual parkers who have come to expect the best discount parking, nationwide.

For a comprehensive parking action plan and unmatched professional parking services in New York, Chicago, West Palm Beach, Pittsburgh, Denver, Washington D.C., Jersey City, or Arlington. You can also find for your local One Parking headquartersonline. Give us a call today at 561-833-7222!"

Company Type: Staffing Firm
Contact Name : One Parking
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email  : (None)
Number of Views: 308
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > One Parking