Location: Hainan, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $1011USD-19 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 21, 2018 11:14:46 AM
Full Job Description:
School Introduction
Hainan Island is located in the South China Sea and enjoys a year-round sub-tropical climate. Summer temperatures average 25-30 C, with winter averaging 15-20 C. As a resort island, Hainan has no heavy industry, only moderate traffic and no air pollution Hainan College of Software Technology (HNCST) is a full-time public college of higher professional education. The history of the college can be traced back to the year of 1923, whichwas Qionghai Teachers School. Thecollegeislocatedinthecenterof Qionghai, asmallcitynearthecoastaltownof Bo Ao(permanentsiteofthe Bo Ao Forumfor Asia)andafamoushometownofoverseas Chinese Thecollegeconsistsof10faculties, namely Software Engineering, Network Engineering, Information Management, Digital Design, Electronic Engineering, Arts& Media, Foreign Languages& Tourism, Basic Education, Social Sciencesand Sports Position Introduction
Hainan Collegeof Software Technology(HNCST)isseekingaforeignteacherwhocanteachcookingcoursestocuisinemajorstofillthepositionoffull-timeteachers Requirements
Possessinganacademicdegreeof BA, MAor Ph Dunder60yearsoldhavingatleast2-yearteachingorcookingexperience Goodhealth Responsibleandcommitted Whatweoffer
6500 RMBorabovemonthlysalary(Negotiable. Teachingload: 16classhoursperweek, classsize: 20-40students), withpaidwinterorsummervacationsandlegal Chineseholidays
Salary: 6400 CNY(RMB) to 1200 CNY(RMB) Monthly
Contract type: full time
Work visa provided: No
Teaching Students age: Array
Work Location: Hainan
- Proven work experience in the related field
- Passport holders
To apply visit this link:
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
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