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Last Update: May 09, 2018 12:23:10 AM
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cocoa farms
This episode deals with the importance of education. It highlights its value for children in cocoa communities and the need for educated business-minded young farmers to take over their parents’ farms. The episode starts with Kweku and Yao leaving school and their teacher giving them the telephone number for the text weather forecast messages, which Kweku’s father won’t be able to read. The boys start helping the father put all beans in sacks in case it rains, but after a long and tiring couple of hours work, Badu, Kweku’s father decides to test his boy’s reading abilities and asks him to check about the weather. Kweku is almost able to read but feels a bit insecure and gives the phone to his friend Yao who goes to school every day. Badu is proud and happy, it will not rain and they stop working. He is more understanding of the value and importance of education for the children’s future. "Kweku and the bird" is a 3D-animation series developed by the International Cocoa Initiative - a leading organization promoting child protection in cocoa-growing communities. Feel free to share this video for teaching or awareness-raising purposes. If you need further information or simply want to share your thoughts and experiences, please contact us at info@cocoainitiative.org.
Visit for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnQqONQ_bKg
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Number of Views: 384