Amazon DynamoDB training and job support (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Amazon DynamoDB training and job support

Job ID 654776  In Category: Education/Training

Amazon DynamoDB training and job support

Hiring Company: ecorptrainings
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: May 18, 2018 04:55:24 PM
Full Job Description:

The AWS DynamoDB NoSQL database is one of the most powerful and widely used non-relational databases available today. It is a fault tolerant, highly scalable database with tunable consistency that meets the demanding requirements of the can’t fail, must scale systems driving growth for many of the most successful enterprises of today. However, along with that capability comes a new data and programming model that many organizations lack the expertise to use in an optimal fashion. Databases like Cassandra, Voldemort, Riak and Aerospike have copied some of the internals of DynamoDB based on the original Dynamo papers published by Amazon. Learning DynamoDB will give you a leg up with understanding the basics of many NoSQL solutions.

Company Type: Not Specified
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Contact Phone: +91-8143-111-555
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Number of Views: 457
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Amazon DynamoDB training and job support