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cocoa farms
In this episode, we learn that children should not engage in dangerous child labour and even if they perform light tasks for the household, these shouldn’t be done at the expense of going to school. Kweku, a boy of 12, is cutting down a tree when Mr Dubango, the teacher protects him from the falling tree; he then explains the type of work which is forbidden for children to do and mentions the light work which children can do only outside school hours. The episode ends with Kweku joining his classmates after a long period of absence due to the fact that he was helping his father on the cocoa farm. "Kweku and the bird" is a 3D-animation series developed by the International Cocoa Initiative - a leading organization promoting child protection in cocoa-growing communities. Feel free to share this video for teaching or awareness-raising purposes. If you need further information or simply want to share your thoughts and experiences, please contact us at info@cocoainitiative.org.
Visit for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPceuSYq-nE
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Number of Views: 479