22kESL Tutor Needed in Beijing ASAP (Relocation to China) (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > 22kESL Tutor Needed in Beijing ASAP (Relocation to China)

Job ID 656965  In Category: Education/Training

22kESL Tutor Needed in Beijing ASAP (Relocation to China)

Location: Beijing, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $3014USD-33 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 07, 2018 10:00:57 AM
Full Job Description:

To Apply visit this link: http://cips.io/600b3a

22k+ ESL Tutor Needed in Beij ING ASAP

We are currently look ING for hundreds of talented ESL professionals to join our team. * * Teachers is a match ING service that connects local teachers with local students and families. We

provide our teachers with train ING, support, and our very own curriculum. This allows our

teachers to be professional, confident, and well prepare to teach our In-Home family based English

classes and implement our companies overarch ING education philosophy.

This is an amaz ING opportunity to travel, discover, and experience Chinese culture as well as work

with a fun and diverse internationa l team And dont worry, speak I NG Chinese i sn&rsq uo;t necessary. If

youre ready to live abroad, gain new skills, and make a difference then * Teachers is a gr eat

opportunity for you.


Implement our curriculum

Establish and maintain standards for students performan ce which can be

quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated

Execute lesson plans and instructional materials

Develop knowledge an d skills essential to effectively t each

students in the level assigned

Promote and foster students critical and creat ive think ING


Bachelors degree or ma sters degree in any field; E ducation, Psychology, English Langua ge,

Early Childhood Education or Literature preferr ed

Minimum 1-3 years of teach ING experience at the K-12 levels; 1-2 years experienc e with teach-

ING Chinese students is preferred

Interest to contribute to the company d ur ING outside activities, such as an athletic coach, summer

camp, or otherwise preferred

Flexibility in geographic location

Eligible to work in the U. S. or Canada

Relevant teach ING certification is required (TESOL/TEFL/CELTA etc..)

Good appearance, sincere, outgo ING personality, good communication and coordinatio n skills

are a must

Positive attitude, team player, and prof essional conduct a must

Tutor ING or in-home tea ch ING a plus

Hav ING outstand ING hobbies or other talents welcomed

If interested,please forward your CV to connectbeij ING@126.com

Salary: 20000 CNY to 22000 CNY Monthly
Work visa provided: No
Work Location: Beijing

- Teaching experience
- Degree in any field
- Passport holders

To apply visit this link:

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 478
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > 22kESL Tutor Needed in Beijing ASAP (Relocation to China)