Hiring Company: Teaching China
Location: Different Cities throughout, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $[salary_ma per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 26, 2018 03:15:34 PM
Full Job Description:
To Apply visit this link:
http://link.cips.io/fae6c7Wawajobs began in 2012 and has helped over 500 teachers find jobs in China. Our primary objective is to not only provide you with a suitable teaching position in China but also help you have a positive and memorable China teaching experience. Our pleasure to reflect our vision to bridge the gap between China and aboard. What we provider's the cooperative schools are our partners who have been strictly vetted and have worked together for many years. We walk our candidates through every step of the process. At no point will you be left wondering what to do next, as we will be right there with you talking you through it.. We do not leave your side after you arrive either. The entire time you are in China, we will be here to help you address any question or concern. We don't charge you any fees for our service. It's completely free! Salary: 17, 000-25, 000 RMB/Month Performance Bonus: 1, 000 RMB per quarter Contract: one year Annual Leave: 10 days per Annam + Chinese public holidays Teaching Hours: Maximum 15 hours per week Working hours(about 30 hours a week)1. Monday & Tuesday off!2. Wednesday to Friday 3pm-8: 30pm3. Saturday & Sunday 9am-6pm Other Benefits: 1. Pay raise based on performance evaluation after one-year-contract2. 10 days paid vacation plus 5 paid sick days with full salary3. All medical cover with full package of insurance Other Services: 1. Domestic Visa and visa application expenses covered2. Free airport pickup service3. 5 days free accommodation upon arrival4. Free housing search assistance Requirments: Fluent native English speaker, Bachelors Degree, TEFOL/TESOL certified (preferred, but not essential), teaching experience(preferred, not essential). Location: Bejing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other Tier2, 3 cities Interested candidates should send their CV, cover letter and photo to A616@directapply.findworkabroad.com Tel: +86 13616233838 Contact name: Rachel
Salary: 17000 CNY to 25000 CNY Monthly
Housing: See job description
Contract type: full time
Work visa provided: Yes
Teaching Students age: See job description
Work Location: Different Cities throughout China, Different Cities throughout
Working hours: See job description
Positions available: 5
Requirements:- Teaching experience
- Degree in any field
- Passport holders
Apply online via this link:http://link.cips.io/fae6c7
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : jody
Contact Phone: 02085218502
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 531