Long Chiropractic (Accounting/Finance Jobs)

Job ID 660216  In Category: Accounting/Finance

Long Chiropractic

Hiring Company: Long Chiropractic
Location: Mountain Home, Arkansas
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Aug 31, 2018 01:38:59 AM
Full Job Description:

Address 506 Hospital Dr, Mountain Home, AR, 72653

Website: http://www.drjosephlong.com

Category: Chiropractor, Chiropractors, Pain Management

Are you tired of dealing with joint pain? Do you long for the day you wake up pain-free?At Long Chiropracticin Mountain Home, AR, Dr. Joseph Long uses hisexpertise in thefield to address your discomfort at the source and find solutions that meet your unique needs.

What makes your experience at Long Chiropractic superior to those you’ve had at other offices is Dr. Joseph Long’sapproach.Rather than scheduling adjustment after adjustment to realignthe joint or treat a symptom, he looks for theunderlying cause of discomfort that’s resulting inbody aches and continuouslyneededadjustments.

Dr. Long works alongside his patients to get to the root of the problem and create a customized treatment plan tailored to yourneeds.

As a comprehensivehealth facility focusedon healing the whole person,Long Chiropractic offers many trusted services that include:

Chiropractic care
Lifestyle advice
Nutritional counselling
Corrective exercises
Decompression therapy
Whole-body fitness vibration machine

If you’re dealing with back or neck pain or sufferfrom headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel, or other joint and muscle related discomfort, don’t settle for a chiropractor that only treats the surface of your problemorneglects to find the reason behind your joint pain. Take back control of your life with the help of Dr. Long and the team atLong Chiropractic.

To request an appointment or set up a consultation call Long Chiropractic today at (870) 424-5853. Or you can visit themonline to learn more about their services.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Long Chiropractic
Contact Phone: (870) 424-5853
Contact Email  : (None)
Number of Views: 500