Coker Forensics (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Coker Forensics

Job ID 662955  In Category: Other

Coker Forensics

Hiring Company: Coker Forensics
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Oct 08, 2018 02:07:17 AM
Full Job Description:

The world is now more digital than at any other point in human history - even more so than it was only a few months ago. In every home or office, most of the work and communication is either done by texts, emails, chats or video calls, or video messages. This typically means that there is absolutely no paper trail left in any communication whether casual or official. This can prove very challenging when you need evidence that has already been deleted. That is where digital forensics come in. Digital forensic science is applied when you need to recover a deleted file, text, pictures, chat, or any recording whether audio or video, that has been deleted either by mistake, or with the intention of getting rid of evidence. As long as what needs to be recovered was in a mobile phone, tablet, pc, desktop or laptop - anything that was once in a digital device can be recovered. Coker Forensics is a digital forensics company that has the expertise necessary to recover any lost or damaged data from digital and electronic devices. We strive to uncover the truth at all times.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Stephen Coker
Contact Phone: 470-334-1878
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 302
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Coker Forensics