Marathi Audiobooks (Sales Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Sales Jobs > Marathi Audiobooks

Job ID 670365  In Category: Sales

Marathi Audiobooks

Hiring Company: Bookhungama
Location: All Cities, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 15, 2018 06:56:56 AM
Full Job Description:

Two Audiobooks That Will Keep You Hooked
Audiobooks are for sure on a rise in the today’s date & time. Studies prove that listening to certain things do have a greater effect on our minds. When you listen to the narrator narrating the story or a novel, it definitely and literally takes you in that atmosphere and those situations of the story. Listening has a great effect and gives the listener near-to-live experience of the whole scenario. Sometimes certain audiobooks are also utilised for education purpose where the students can listen to their lessons and understand better. Audiobooks also prove to be big boon for the visually impaired people.
We provide a great audiobook app where you can download as many audiobooks as possible.
This app consists of some audiobook gems and they are as follows
1. WhatsApp Diaries – Ashutosh Purohit
WhatsApp has become one of the most used apps these days as it is easy to use. Whether it’s an old lady or a young kid who was gifted a new phone everyone seems to be glued to this app. As everyone is absolutely glued to it we get to see that many love stories blossom solely because of WhatsApp. This platform definitely provides an easy way for people to be in touch with each other and also share pictures, videos, documents etc. Whatsapp due to these reasons is responsible for the formation of many memories. This audiobook is diary of such feelings and fun incidences on this app. Listening to this audiobook will definitely bring to your mind the many fun moments you had while chatting with your friends on WhatsApp.
To experience this virtual love celebration you can buy this audiobook here -

2. Chocolate Mousse – Dimitri Bapat
We all love romantic love stories. This audiobook is a fun romantic comedy. This is a unique story about Madan & Rati. The audiobook makes you the feel the humour in the love and the intensity in the relationship of Madan & Rati.
You can buy this audiobook here -

Listen to these amazing Marathi audiobooks and experience traveling back to your childhood when either your parents or your grandparents narrated beautiful bed time stories to you!
Download Ebook Reader app Free -

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Bookhungama
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Number of Views: 356
USA Jobs Online > Sales Jobs > Marathi Audiobooks