Welcome to Wuhan, 15000-18000RMB, free apartment for (Relocation to China) (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Welcome to Wuhan, 15000-18000RMB, free apartment for (Relocation to China)

Job ID 671369  In Category: Education/Training

Welcome to Wuhan, 15000-18000RMB, free apartment for (Relocation to China)

Location: Wuhan, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $0USD-0USD/ per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 06, 2019 06:03:45 PM
Full Job Description:

To Apply visit this link: http://cips.io/c3db38

Great Teaching Job in Wuhan, A Famous City in China. 15-18 K(2100+ USD) Monthly Salary, FREE Good Apartment Provided. Experienced Teachers Preferred.
Job description:
1. Job title: English Teacher;
2. Provide English course to students of all ages (2 to 12 mainly);
3. Age group: 3-12
4. Class size: 12 students
5. Weekly Days off: two days off
6. Weekly working hours: 40 working hours
Job Requirements:
native speakers preferred( UK, USA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, ETC. )
opened to non-native speakers with good qualifications
3) bachelor degree
4) TEFL/TESOL required
5) aged between 20-45
6) active and extrovert person of responsibility
7 ) non-criminal record
Offer details:
1. Monthly salary: 15, 000+ RMB(2, 100+ USD) per month (before tax);
2. Contract bonus: up to 5, 000 RMB(700 USD);
3. Bonus for new teacher recommendation: 2500 RMB (360 USD)
4. Flight ticketthe first trip to CHINA
5. Ac

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 443
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Welcome to Wuhan, 15000-18000RMB, free apartment for (Relocation to China)