multiple links (Administrative/Office/HR Jobs)

Job ID 671576  In Category: Administrative/Office/HR

multiple links

Hiring Company: multiple links
Location: All Cities, Louisiana
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 10, 2019 02:31:59 AM
Full Job Description:

The ultimate service to create a landing page for your links and generate a single short link to share on social media and other places. By using iLink, you don’t have to choose between your links; you can share them all! Now you have the opportunity to use multiple links in your Instagram profile. Anyone who has a website and wants to direct their audience to various links can use iLink. The service is super fast and easy to use. You will receive a single link that you can insert into your social media accounts, business cards and anywhere you want. You do not have to be a technical professional to use iLink. Everyone can use this platform for free!

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : kelch brent
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email  : (None)
Number of Views: 511