Location: Tianjin, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $1475USD-22 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 19, 2019 12:03:06 AM
Full Job Description:
To Apply visit this link: http://cips.io/94e714
Job Descriptions
Position: ESL teacher
Location: Tianjin, China
Requirements 1. English native speakers;
2. Bachelors degr ee or above:
3. TEFL/TESOL certificat e or equ ivalent;
4. A minimum of 1 year (in cludes i nternshi p) teach ing expe rience i s strong ly recom mended ( especial ly for t eaching kids);
5. Able to go through a crimi nal bac kground check;
6. Able to teach in ki ndergar ten, hi gh scho ol and t raining centers;
7. To follow the school's reasonable arrangement.
1. The teacher is hel d respo nsible for the impleme ntation of assig ned curr iculum a nd cours es by th e school; Shall devote a ppropria te time and effo rts to t he dutie s as out lined an d as req uired
2. The teacher should b e in goo d healt h, both physical and psychologically;
3. The teacher shall not discuss Chin ese political or religious affairs with st udents in class, abide by t
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
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