Marine Operations Engineer (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Marine Operations Engineer

Job ID 673946  In Category: Other

Marine Operations Engineer

Hiring Company: Toke Consultants
Location: All Cities, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 6 - 8 Years
Last Update: Jan 31, 2019 12:22:23 AM
Full Job Description:

Monitors marine contractor’s activities at the Terminal involved in the provision of pilotage, mooring/unmooring, loading operations, maintenance of offshore oil installation and compliance with safety regulations.
Ensure safe operations, assigning mooring locations and directing the provision of mooring assistance to vessels.
Coordinate with other Marine Engineers to track the implementation of crude oil loading programmes, Includes reviewing monthly ship allocations from Company and other Shareholders for allowable.
Review master program expected time of ship arrival (ETAs) and nominations, allocation of berths in accordance with size of tankers and rates of loading.
Review Inspection reports of channel & buoys and other marine safety equipment provide advice to Marine Engineers for regular maintenance of buoys by contractor to ensure positioning for safe navigation.
Administer marine operations contracts. Includes, preparing specifications/scope of work, negotiating contracts terms and conditions, inspecting completed work to ensure compliance with contract terms, verifying contractor's invoices and processing for payment.
Participate in resolving noncompliance to all relevant process safety elements and integrity compliance KPI, and report any deviation from the environment requirements.
Participates in all tendering, contracting and administration procedures related to the Marine Operations Contract from inception to contract award, including preparing, scheduling and auditing contractors activities to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with the required standards and in compliance with contract clauses.
Reviews all project documents related to marine and offshore operations, Includes reviewing scope of work, technical specifications to ensure compatibility and maintainability of new plant and equipment; reviewing and commenting on conceptual, basic and detailed design packages.
Ensures all offshore activities are carried out in accordance with International Ship &Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS Code), adhering to the terms and conditions of the Code.
Carries out work assignments in accordance with professional standards consistent with the terms of marine contract, established terminal operations procedures and Port Regulations.
Completed work is subject to review by Team Leader.

Skills and Qualification:
Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.
8 years of operations experience in oil and gas industry preferably in technical marine environment.
Class 1 – Marine Engineer – Steam or Motor Certification (Preferable).
Familiar with international Standards for off-shore oil operations (STCW).
Familiar with different Type of oil tankers systems and operations (VLCC/ULCC).

Company Type: Staffing Firm
Contact Name : Mr. Kenneth
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email  : Apply this job by email
Number of Views: 283
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Marine Operations Engineer