Bilingural School ESL Teacher, Annualy salary uo to 4 (Relocation to China) (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Bilingural School ESL Teacher, Annualy salary uo to 4 (Relocation to China)

Job ID 674522  In Category: Education/Training

Bilingural School ESL Teacher, Annualy salary uo to 4 (Relocation to China)

Location: Suqian, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $2964USD-59 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 05, 2019 01:03:10 AM
Full Job Description:

To Apply visit this link:

We have the following vacnacies:
1. 2 primary school or kindergarten ESL teachers; 2. 1 middle and high school ESL teacher; 3. 1 G1/2 generalist teacher(all subjects); 4. 1 G7-8 biology teacher; 5. 1 or 2 G7-G8 generalist teacher(all subjects);

Job Description:

Planning and delivering related lessons to Chinese students;
Using electronic media and course ware to teach English efficiently and effectively
Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement
Participating in social activities with students organized by thekindergarten;

A genuine interest in children from3 to 6, teaching, and profession al development
At least 2-year teaching experience in kindergarten.
Open-minded, an adventurous spirit, caring and professional flexibility
Native English speaker
Clear background without any crime record

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 409
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Bilingural School ESL Teacher, Annualy salary uo to 4 (Relocation to China)