Easy (Marketing/Advertising Jobs)

Job ID 676637  In Category: Marketing/Advertising


Hiring Company: wealthaff
Location: กรุงเทพมหานคร, All States
Job Type: Part Time
Salary: $1000 per Week
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 24, 2019 07:34:08 AM
Full Job Description:

WealthAff has three basic types of affiliate program payment arrangements:

Pay-per-mille (clicks per thousand). In every one thousand clicks via your WealthAff web site you'll get $50 (just only clicks)

WealthAff will pays the affiliate based on the number of visitors who click on the link to come to the WealthAff's site. They don't have to buy anything, and it doesn't matter to the affiliate what a visitor does once he gets to the WealthAff's site. But clicks from visitor(s) not less than a thousand.

Pay-per-sale (cost-per-sale). In every customer’s purchasing via your WealthAff link you’ll get $30

WealthAff will pays an affiliate when the affiliate sends them a customer who purchases something. WealthAff will pay the affiliate 22.5% of product price such as the price of product is $75 you'll get $30 from customer’s purchasing.

Special Payment promotion only this month. If there is a registrant via your WealthAff link you’ll get $1. If you have 5 registrants via your WealthAff web site you’ll get $5 immediately.

The price of WealthAff program is $359 per year but I would like to hand you this very same program that I use...

the cost of WealthAff program is so much higher than the book cost. So, I bought it for you! because I really want you to have the right tool that can change your life and then you just invest in the book. Normally it cost $159 but you can get it in $75 only today
and you will get WealthAff program FREE
for 1 year using.

This is the same formulas and program that I personally use to monetize online.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : mmtcanon@gmail.com
Contact Phone: +66904307058
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 584