Hiring Company: Smooth Talkers
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $20 per Hour
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 06, 2019 04:02:10 PM
Full Job Description:
Job Description
Smooth Talkers is an institute that offers individual and group classes to companies and private students, mostly at the clients' homes or offices, in Santiago, Chile.
We are looking for committed, fun, and experienced native and non-native English language teachers to work with us. Candidates must teach with energy and a positive attitude, as well as a strong knowledge of English grammar. Full-time position.
Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities:
– Prepare students for English proficiency tests, like IELTS & TOEFL
– Teach adults and children whose first or main languages is not English
– Work with and manage small groups (<6 students) or individual classes
– Plan, prepare and deliver lessons
– Provide appropriate, monthly feedback
– Basic administration (attendance records)
Key Competencies:
– Native speaker or proficient non-native speaker
– Teaching experience and/or certificate
– Motivated and reliable
– Energetic
– Good communicator
– Good listener
– High level of English grammar knowledge
Salary & Benefits
Salary depends on amount of classes per month; we pay $10.000 (1-hour class), $13500 (1,5-hour class). 600,000CLP a month is the average.
Other benefits are:
-Spanish/Portuguese classes with a special discount for teachers.
-Teachers who don’t have a Chilean RUT need a “Visa for professionals and technicians,†which is applied for and obtained once you arrive in Chile. Below are important details:
1) The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree and it must be apostilled by their country’s authorities. The applicant must submit this along with a job offer that we provide to the Extranjeria office for the Visa.
2) The cost of issuing the Visa varies from one nationality to another. For outstanding applicants, we can cover up to 50% of visa costs for visas that are $500USD or less. Check your country’s fee on the map: https://www.extranjeria.gob.cl/aranceles/
3. Visa Requirements (in Spanish – please contact us with any questions): https://www.extranjeria.gob.cl/media/2019/04/20.11.18-RequisitosVisaTemporariaPrimeraProfesionalesTe%CC%81cnicos.pdf
4. We are willing to help you with all the documents required, and those related to the Employer responsibility. Also, we will give you advice and guidance through every step of the process.
Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Juan
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email :
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