Capacity Development Training in Dubai! (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Capacity Development Training in Dubai!

Job ID 698787  In Category: Education/Training

Capacity Development Training in Dubai!

Hiring Company: Garvey Africa Institute
Location: cleveland, Ohio
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $10000 per Other
Experience Desired: 12+ Years
Last Update: Dec 15, 2019 09:41:41 PM
Full Job Description:

Capacity Development Training in Dubai!
10-21February 2020 (2 weeks)

10-13February 2020 (1 week); 17-21February 2020(1 week)

Advanced Project M&E and Financial Management for Development Projects

This two-weeks training that combines aspects of Advanced Project M&E and Financial Management for Development Projects is designed to impart job-oriented skills for M&E and for financial management, both of which are highly demanded in the development sector. Upon completion of this course participants will be able to design and manage M&E systems that meet the standards for development projects. The course provides participants with M&E tools, techniques and skills needed for planning, organizing, and/or managing programs and projects. Participants will learn the links between results-based measurement, monitoring and project/program evaluation. Time will be allocated for practical exercises and informal question and answer sessions around common M&E problem areas. In addition, the course takes cognisance that financial management is one of the most important aspects in any organisation, be it private, government or non-governmental. It provides participants with the most comprehensive and important concepts in financial management for development projects and equips them with the requisite knowledge and skills on how to manage finances effectively and responsibly to achieve their organisations’ objectives.
Participants have the choice of taking either Advanced Project M&E for Development Projects from 10-14 February or Financial Management for Development Projects from 17-21 February and pay the one-week fee.

Public Procurement, Supply Chain & Contracts Management

This course takes an integrated approach to the management of procurement within the public sector and equips participants with tools, techniques and skills that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement in their work environment. The course provides a useful practical overview of public procurement and supply chain management. It covers the regulatory and legal frameworks, institutional arrangements and procurement methods. The course links the dependence of public procurement effectiveness on related public finance management performance, the assessment of public procurement performance, the use of information technologies, inventory and warehouse management, the role of the market, opportunities for corruption and the employment of preference programs to address social imbalances. It includes contract management and covers contract variations.

For course outlines and other courses please

Training Gadgets and Services offered by Garvey
Laptop or tablet, 16GB USB flash drive with course material, Shuttle services, Lunch and tea on training days

Tuition fees: 1 week USD 2850; 2 weeks USD 3575

Project Management for Donor Funded Projects

Donor funded projects have stringent guidelines that the beneficiaries of the funds must adhere to in order to avoid conflicting with the donors. This course addresses trends and requirements for project management as it relates to donor funded projects. It emphasises the key tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage donor funded projects, large and small.The course includes analysis of different phases of the project cycle from feasibility study through planning, implementation to monitoring and evaluation. It also examines the role of the “project” relative to other aid delivery methods used by donors/development, such as budget support.

Garvey Africa Institute
Office 105, Schindler Building,
459 Leyds Street, Sunnyside
Pretoria 0002, South Africa
Tel : +27 0127533180

Tags: Short courses in South Africa, Capacity Skills Development Training, Project Management Training South Africa, Monitoring and Evaluation Courses, Human Resource Management Courses, Administrators and Secretaries Courses, Management Development Programme, Public Financial Management, Financial Analysis and Management, Donor Funded Project Management

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Jonathan Mafukidze
Contact Phone: 0127533180
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 302
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Capacity Development Training in Dubai!