Chemistry teacher needed in international school for (Relocation to China) (Education/Training Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Chemistry teacher needed in international school for (Relocation to China)

Job ID 700793  In Category: Education/Training

Chemistry teacher needed in international school for (Relocation to China)

Location: Chengdu, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $3335USD-42 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 13, 2020 11:52:23 PM
Full Job Description:

To Apply visit this link:
&nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; Degree Level
Minimum of Bachelor s in Chemistry required; Master s Degree as
well as AP experience pr eferred.
&nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; Degree Field
Secondary education, subject-specific field
&nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; Licensure/Certification
High school certific ation and/or state teaching license preferred.
&nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; Key Skills
1. Credentialed high school che mistry teacher with expertise in teaching college prep and advanced classes. &nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; 2. Have extensive knowledge of Chemistry with the ability to communicate ideas
effectively as well as offer a variety of instructional techniqu es.
&nb sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; &n b sp; &nbs p; Requirements
1. This position requires

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Find Work Abroad (Direct Employers)
Contact Phone: 02037303381
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 352
USA Jobs Online > Education/Training Jobs > Chemistry teacher needed in international school for (Relocation to China)