Thyroid Treatment & Medication (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Thyroid Treatment & Medication

Job ID 704871  In Category: Other

Thyroid Treatment & Medication

Hiring Company: Thyroid Treatment & Medication
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 11, 2020 06:48:26 AM
Full Job Description:

26 Court St suite 1030
Medical Spa
Monday-Saturday 9-5
Payment Types:
Cash, all cc
The main function of the thyroid gland is to convert calories and oxygen into energy; effectively acting to regulate blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and metabolism. If the thyroid gland isn’t working at maximum efficiency (Hypothyroid), the body begins to slow down.
Several symptoms of Hypothyroidism might include lethargy, fatigue, constipation, and intolerance to cold. An overactive thyroid also known as Hyperthyroidism results in an increased metabolism. Hyperthyroidism presents itself with symptoms of anxiety, agitation, heart palpitations, and intolerance to heat.
What Causes Thyroid Dysfunction? There are several contributing factors that may lead to thyroid imbalance, such as genetic predisposition and Estrogen dominance. Some medications such as Sulfa drugs, birth control pills, lithium, and Amiodarone can also result in thyroid imbalance.
There are several treatments targeting the optimization of the Thyroid: nutritional counseling, herbal supplements, nutritional vitamins, minerals, and bio-identical hormones. The treatment and optimization of the Thyroid gland are tailored to each individual. We can also recommend natural thyroid hormones, such as Nature-Throid, to adjust the doses of the medication and achieve optimal results.
We also highly recommend testing and treating underlying adrenal fatigue while treating thyroid dis-regulation. Thyroid medication is known to cause an increase in metabolism and an increased demand on adrenal function and cortisol production. Therefore, those with adrenal fatigue may not be able to meet the increased metabolic demand and will not experience the benefits of the medication. Adrenal function must FIRST be restored before beginning thyroid treatment protocol.:
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Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Thyroid Treatmen & Medication
Contact Phone: 347-717-4965
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Number of Views: 231
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Thyroid Treatment & Medication