?Welcome! English Teaching Jobs Available (Relocation to China)
Location: Wuhan, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $2145USD-31 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 18, 2020 06:29:46 AM
Full Job Description:
To Apply visit this link:
http://cips.io/dec6c8 with its high-developed speed and great history/location, this central China city, WUHAN, which is described as China Chicago, is now becoming more and more foreign friends first choice to explore the REAL CHINA! Job Description A. Providing high quality English courses (Lesson plan and basic training provided) to kindergarten aged kids. Specific info's are as below: 1, age group: 1. 5--6 year-old 2, class size: maximum to 25 kids with 2-3 assistants 3, class hours: About 45-60mins per class, maximum to 4 classes per day 4. Office hours are provided B. Giving specific feed backs to parents. C. Basic caring for kids (e. g occasion all taking kids to toilet or helping crew with cleaning) very occasion ally. We provide: 1. Competitive salary--up to 20% more among the business 2. House allowance 3. Flight tickets reimbursement 4. PAID Winter b
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : American Eagle Institute
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