Long's Auto Place (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Long's Auto Place

Job ID 711920  In Category: Other

Long's Auto Place

Hiring Company: Long's Auto Place
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jun 23, 2020 05:23:53 AM
Full Job Description:

The Long's Credit Center DifferenceOur specialty is getting customers into quality transportation at affordable prices, without having to overpay for a loan regardless of credit history.With over 75 vehicles to choose from, decades long relationships lenders, and access to several lender programs we are EXPERTS in assisting our customers into the right vehicle for them and QUICKLY! We help our customers with fantastic credit get better interest rates than their bank can or adjust their monthly payment amounts to meet their needs, but we also help our customers who thought that financing a car was impossible achieve their dream to either build or rebuild credit (even when your credit history is REALLY bad- Not to brag, but we've been called credit wizards before). When we say we can help you get financing regardless of your past credit problems, we mean it! Our testimonials prove this to be true! We post testimonials every week with pictures of our actual customers! Check out what our customers are saying about us TODAY on Instagram and Facebook!Our application process is super quick and easy. We have designed it to give you opportunity to evaluate which options are best for YOU and your unique situation (we know all of our customers are unique and special, unlike many other dealerships that may make you feel embarrassed or scammed). It only takes a few minutes to apply online.Come see what we have available and what your personal options are today! We are directly across from McDonalds on Rice Street 2 blocks south of Larpenteur Ave. 1566 Rice St. Paul, MN 55117

Business Hours: 9 AM to 7PM
Business Since: 1979
Payment Methods: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Checks, American Express, Discover

Address: 1566 Rice St St Paul, MN, 55117 USA
Phone: (651) 233-4191

Website: https://www.longsautocredit.com/
Business Email: stever@longsautoplace.com

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Long's Auto Place
Contact Phone: 651-233-4191
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 203
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Long's Auto Place