Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jun 27, 2020 01:46:07 PM
Full Job Description:
Trucks and cars lotIs a family owned independent dealership located in Boerne Texas; The gateway to the Texas Hill Country We've grown over the years and began to specialize in Pre-Owned Diesel Trucks and few selected gasoline vehicles, at everyday low prices guarantee, The most notable difference between BROTHER'S AUTO SALES LLC and other dealerships is that Our Goal is to provide you with the most enjoyable and stress free experience you have ever had buying or selling a vehicle!. We're not here to simply sell-trade or buy you a vehicle. We're here to help you find the vehicle that fits your needs. We're happy to answer any questions you may have. We have a range of financing options through financial institutions that meet all tiers of credit portfolios. Our goal is to make your buying experience enjoyable. We want you to leave happy and feel comfortable referring your friends and family. There is no greater compliment than a referral from a previous customer.
Keywords: Trucks sales, Cars sales, autos for sale, Car Finance, PreOwned Cars
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM to 7 PM, Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM
Busineses since: 2011
Address: 31007 Interstate Highway 10 WEST, Boerne, TX 78006, United States
Phone: (210) 532-3619
Website: http://brotherscarsandtrucks.com/
Business E-mail: fastautofinder@gmail.com
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Phone: 210-532-3619
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 271