Owner (Other Jobs)

Job ID 714683  In Category: Other


Hiring Company: Punctual Express Corp
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 30, 2020 10:19:43 PM
Full Job Description:

Punctual Express is an alliance of elite transportation companies and cutting edge vehicle service providers. That’s a lot of words… but what does it mean to you? What it means is this. Whether you’re: An individual looking to arrange for a secure, comfortable ride in a newer vehicle at a rate that’s competitive with that of a taxicab Somebody looking for a job, business opportunity or potential partnership A school principal looking to arrange for school year or special charter bus service equipped with devices that exceed New York’s new school bus requirements for September 2019 In need for a well-designed phone APP to call for a SUV when you need one A business owner requiring outside help to ensure that company vehicles are running as efficiently as possible Looking for a way to track on your phone or computer somebody you care about A Human Resources manager in the transportation field who must hire trained personnel immediately for work An individual looking for the most secure mode of transportation whether in a SUV, minivan or bus Somebody whose job it is to charter bus transportation for friends, employees or students An individual who doesn’t consider English his or her a first language The person in charge of saving money on vehicle insurance Ensuring that you vehicles will pass DOT vehicle inspections, or A previous passenger or client trying to win one of our contests, know this. Punctual Express is in a superior position to arrange for the best possible services to make your task easier than you can imagine. You’ll find that to be true the very first time you hire us to work for you. We’re here when you need us, in any capacity and you’ll be very glad we are.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Isaac Fromer
Contact Phone: 888-212-0034
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 222