Hiring Company: Domywriting
Location: New York,
New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $10 per Hour
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Aug 11, 2020 04:26:35 AM
Full Job Description:
What is the best job for student that like to write homework? Of course it is job as a writer at essay service, where students are used to ask about
do my writing or write my essay for cheap - there you can improve your skills as a writer and earn some money during studying at the college or at the university! Yesterday I asked for examples of how you use the concept of "Expanding and Contracting" in your own businesses. Dana wrote:
"During my busy work times I expect more from my family. Menus are simpler and they contribute more to getting meals on (and off!) the table. Now that I have two drivers, I ask them to help with my errands and expect them to do all of their own. Same for laundry, picking up around the house, etc.
"Conversely, when I have less
busy times, I pitch in for them and complete some of their assigned household tasks to help lighten their loads. "So, expanding and contracting is a family affair!"
And Niki shared:
"It helps me to make a list of the things I must temporarily ignore during the contraction times because my focus must be narrowed. By doing noting those things which must wait, I don't forget what I realized was important but to which I could not devote my time while I was contracted. When I'm again expanded, I review the list and plug that task into the larger calendar. In that way, the task isn't forfeited, it's only delayed."
What can we learn? We don't have to expand and
contract alone. In fact, we model valuable lessons for our children about juggling multiple responsibilities wisely when we invite them to help out and be a part of the greater family unit. In addition, contracting doesn't mean we're neglecting or forfeiting a task, only consciously delaying it. I like thinking about it this way because it takes the pressure off me to get everything done NOW! Instead of bending under the weight of my load, I'm simply choosing to do some things now and some things later.
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