Bail Bonds Plant City FL HillsBorough County
Hiring Company: Bail Bonds Plant City FL HillsBorough County
Location: All Cities,
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Aug 25, 2020 06:44:31 AM
Full Job Description:
710 E Reynolds St
Plant City, FL
Business Description:
Police officers will be held on private property of the suspect to return to her when it will be released this suspect. Officers can usually determine whether a suspect is on the phone, and the suspect was intoxicated. After the booking process, the suspect is being held in the county jail or lock-up station. What happens next depends on the crime itself. To not considered a serious crime and suspects permitted under bail immediately afterwards.
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Bail Bonds Plant City FL HillsBorough County
Contact Phone: 813-837-9038
Contact Email : (None)
Number of Views: 200