Computer Software (Engineering/Software Jobs)

Job ID 718937  In Category: Engineering/Software

Computer Software

Hiring Company:
Location: All Cities, Florida
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 14, 2020 07:27:40 AM
Full Job Description:

Microsoft Office is a pack of productivity programs often sold concurrently as a single batch. Applications of Microsoft Office includes Microsoft Word, which is a popular word processing tool; Microsoft Excel, used for creating and editing spreadsheets; Microsoft PowerPoint, which is used for creating and showing interactive presentations; Microsoft Outlook, used to organize email and calendars; Microsoft Access, to maintain databases; and Microsoft OneNote, which is used for taking notes at home, school or work. To take the pleasure of the venerated services of Office, download, install and activate Office on

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Valerie Runte
Contact Phone: 020 8874 8628
Contact Email  :
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