Hiring Company: Executive Health Navigation
Location: Dubai, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 14, 2020 10:37:53 PM
Full Job Description:
Your health is not always your decision. How you handle it is.
Concierge-Level Patient Advocacy—and with telehealth now—selectively offering this to Dubai and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
Are you thinking, “I am looking for help navigating through the medical system.â€
Based on what I have seen—after 15+ years in clinical practice—having someone advocate for you—the way you need it—when you need it—is an under-utilized option for some.
Imagine having a person advocating for you, also be a medical physician? Organizing your medical history in a concise summary? Connecting with—and getting you to—the best doctors in the world? Quicker, and faster than you can imagine?
Does that sound like a fantasy? Well, it doesn’t have to be.
Whether it be an acute or chronic medical condition for yourself or your loved ones—and you find yourself feeling that you are “not getting what I need.â€
Then take a look at Executive Health Navigation.
By Doctors For Patients
Accessibility :heavy_plus_sign: Navigation :heavy_plus_sign: Advocacy
Concierge-Level Patient Advocacy
🥼 #DoctorsForPatients #Doctors #Physicians #Health #Medicine.
United Arab Emirates
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Dr. Brian S Dooreck, MD
Contact Phone: 786-505-6404
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 235