Writer To Hire (Education/Training Jobs)

Job ID 719116  In Category: Education/Training

Writer To Hire

Hiring Company: Alex Miller
Location: New York City, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $1000 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 16, 2020 02:33:56 AM
Full Job Description:

5 Expert Writing Tips To Improve Your Essay Writing

When writing essays in your academics you should always have the attitude to learn new things and improve your writing techniques. Each different type of essay allows you to dabble in different writing types and styles, giving you the opportunity to be an all-round writer with a grasp on the rhetoric, creative writing, and the rules of the language.

You can’t get rid of writing and style mistakes without understanding them. An legit essay writing service will correct your mistakes but seldom tell you how to avoid such mistakes in the future. It is thus important for you to look to improve your writing with each essay.

Here are some expert writing tips that can get you started on your path to improvement:

Master the writing rules before tinkering with them

The expert published writers break the writing rules to allow them to serve a purpose— something that the reader understands. However, when you take the same liberty, the risk doesn’t pay off as the reader sees the attempt but takes it for what it is: an error in the cheap essay writing service.

Understand that you can’t bend the rules when you haven't mastered them. 


Avoid using adverbs and adjectives

There is nothing positive about using adverbs and adjectives in your sentences. It demonstrates your poor choice of vocabulary and lack of effort to strengthen your words. When the choice of noun and the verb is poor, you feel the need to assist them with added adjectives and adverbs. Strong action verbs and nouns, however, don’t require these add-ons and communicate the right idea on their own.


Make your writing terse by removing needless words

If you can communicate using fewer words, why use more words?

Some writers research paper topics, instead of being frugal with their writing while considering the word limit, add extra words. They often get afraid that they might run out of things to say to others, however, drown the main message with pompous prose in order to woo the reader. 

Resultantly, they end up writing a bloated essay that lacks in content as well as style.

These deadweight words and phrases include:

  • Despite the fact...

  • Keeping in mind the…

  • The fact that it ...


Avoid dangling modifiers

Modifiers are words counter for essays or phrases that add information about the subject. When a subordinate clause adds to the meaning of the main clause, it is called a modifier. The problem arises when the modifier is not attached to the appropriate subject or when the intended subject is missing completely.


‘How to Survive Your Paper Deadline Immediately’

We know how difficult it is to survive a paper’s deadline but we can help you do it easily.

There is a foolproof way of surviving your paper’s deadline.

Give your essay to a professional and reliable essay writing service. Here are some of the reasons to do it:

  • These writing services have solid experience in helping high school and college students.

  • Their writers are professional and reliable.

  • They can write your essay fast and within the given deadline.

  • They offer a number of other benefits.

  • They offer constant and expert help. 

Useful Resources:

A Simple Guideline to Revising Your Essay

Steps To Develop A Persuasive Essay

How To Meet The Word Count Requirement Of The Essay

How To Draft Your Qualitative & Quantitative Research Essay

Here Are 10 Prominent Features Of Academic Writing

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