The best powerful herbalist in Nigeria (Marketing/Advertising Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Marketing/Advertising Jobs > The best powerful herbalist in Nigeria

Job ID 731943  In Category: Marketing/Advertising

The best powerful herbalist in Nigeria

Hiring Company: Agbomola traditional herbalist
Location: Ogunstate nigeria, Maryland
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $100 per Hour
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 20, 2020 10:28:10 AM
Full Job Description:

09054078629 / whatssap +2349054078629
My grandfather is a great herbalist BABA Agbomola from Nigeria, my brothers and my sisters, God did not create any one to die in poor so don't sit down and die in poverty There are no side effects and no human sacrifice don't be afraid of anything have faith and call my father on 09054078629, remember all waters are the same but there taste are different so you have to try and see my grandfather, he can help you out of your problems like
(1)money without repercussions
(2)work of leadership
(3)money rituals
(4)business to move forward
(5)lotto number
(6)marriage problems
(7) promotion in work place
(8)luck of jobs
(9)clients problem
(11)court Case
(12)traveling to abroad
(13)police station Case
(14)Girls friend boys problems
(15)football solutions
(16)luck of child
(17)family problems
(18)when you want something from someone
(19)when you want power
(20)when you need population inside your church or works
(21)school of knowledge
(22)you are having a gold problem to remove
(23)management of work
(24)high sprit
(26)Documents problems
(27)if you want your boy friend or girl friend back And many more about spiritual help and if you are interested call me to talk better with my grandfather on 09054078629 or whatssap +2349054078629

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Agbomola ifayemi
Contact Phone: 09054078629
Contact Email  : Apply this job by email
Number of Views: 241
USA Jobs Online > Marketing/Advertising Jobs > The best powerful herbalist in Nigeria