Calcium Carbide furnace (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Calcium Carbide furnace

Job ID 734958  In Category: Other

Calcium Carbide furnace

Location: xian, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 03, 2021 10:38:59 PM
Full Job Description:

Calcium Carbide furnace is a typical uses of submerged arc furnace for productions of chemical materials.
Calcium carbide ( Calcium acetylide; Quartz crystal; calcium ethynediide; ethyne, calcium salt) furnace is applications of submerged arc furnace for calcium carbide. Calcium carbide is formed in the furnace due to melting reactions of furnace charges caused by high temperature. Since reaction temperature is as high as 2000 ℃, volume of the furnace body must be larger than reaction space. That is to say, a layer of charge must be kept between reaction zone and furnace lining to protect furnace lining.
Calcium Carbide, chemical named calcium acetylide, molecular formula is CaC2, gray, brown and yellow, black or brown bulk solid, it’s basic raw material for Synthetic Organic Chemistry industry.

Usages of Calcium Carbide (CaC)alloys produced by calcium carbide furnace:
1. react with water to produce acetylene , the acetylene, which composed many organic compound, i.e. synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, acetone, olefine ketone and carbon black, etc.

2. When calcium carbide powder and nitrogen heated together, we get calcium cyanamide, in other words is lime nitrogen.

3. Calcium carbide used as desulphurizer in steel industry.

Electrothermal process applied to produce calcium carbide, namely, calcium lime and carbonaceous material (charred coal, anthracite or petroleum coke) in carbide furnace, by reaction of arc melting in high temperature.

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Contact Name : swpt_F6x3Kqd6
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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Calcium Carbide furnace