Invests manager (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Invests manager

Job ID 735197  In Category: Other

Invests manager

Hiring Company: InvestsCO
Location: All Cities, Arkansas
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 04, 2021 05:06:58 PM
Full Job Description:

What is a scam (SCAM) in HYIPs and how to avoid it

On any resource dedicated to HYIPs, sooner or later the question arises: when will the scam ( in other words, the collapse ) of the project that you have invested in and how to be ready for it? Well, even the most important person of this or that project, the administrator, will not give you an answer, since for him the priority is to positively advertise his HYIP and, therefore, stories that it will exist almost forever and will do without scam.

Of course, in order to understand what is happening within the framework of a particular HYIP like from, you can turn to such an important figure in each project as an administrator. This is a person or a team of people who open their project with the aim of bringing it to a peak, when payments exceed contributions, and collect the required amount of money, after which the project is closed. Of course, the admin does not know when the peak will happen, so it is useless to ask him about it.

There are several types of HYIP projects, depending on their durability. Low-interest projects have the longest lifespan, followed by medium-interest ones, high-interest ones risk coming to a scam in one single day, and hourly ones can be closed in two minutes.

Regardless of the type of project in which you decide to invest, there are some signs that should alert you, because these signs may indicate an imminent scam of a HYIP project. Let's consider some of them. A sign of an imminent scam can be a statement on the forum about problems with the payment system , which is a common way to keep calm among investors, keeping cash flow from them. The admin simply tries to ensure that investors continue to invest, and the amount he needs accumulates and turns out, in fact, a scam. Also, a sign may be a delay in payments for large amounts., but the issuance of small ones, so that investors, who received their very small amount, wrote on the forums that the admin was great and paid everything. In addition, if the standard time limit is 12 hours, but you usually received money in a few minutes, but now this does not happen, this is most likely a sign of scam.

At the same time, the administrator, responding to any claims, will most often assure the opposite, talking about freezing payments or even sending beautiful letters from various charitable organizations. It all depends on the person's imagination.

Another important nuance is the pre - launch of the project. If at this time everyone is bombarding with messages and money, most likely, a scam will soon follow. It is better not to participate in such projects in order to avoid losing your funds.

Also pay attention to tariff plans. They are very important and must be correctly drawn up - painted in such a way that at the same time a large load is not obtained when paying money, otherwise the same ill-fated scam of the project will turn out. At the same time, if the project, having worked for some time, offers you a new most profitable tariff plan, this is a high probability of a quick scam.

Some stocks can also be harbingers of the imminent collapse of the project. If, say, the admin offers investors to deposit a thousand dollars and add ten percent on top of the payment, then most likely he simply lacks the nth amount that he wants to receive in this way.

Very intrusive and active advertisingThis or that HYIP can also indicate that its popularity is rapidly falling. In the opposite case, advertising has a smooth and gradual amplification.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : James Linkilns
Contact Phone: (None)
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Number of Views: 234
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Invests manager