The Special Design of Fully Automatic Sealed Dust-proof Backplate for DNE Laser Cutting Machine (Sales Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Sales Jobs > The Special Design of Fully Automatic Sealed Dust-proof Backplate for DNE Laser Cutting Machine

Job ID 740951  In Category: Sales

The Special Design of Fully Automatic Sealed Dust-proof Backplate for DNE Laser Cutting Machine

Location: Shenzhen, Florida
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 03, 2021 01:35:44 AM
Full Job Description:

The Special Design of Fully Automatic Sealed Dust-proof Backplate for DNE Laser Cutting Machine

Fully automatic sealed dust-proof backplate, with better sealing and reduce the impact on the workshop environment and personnel.

Fully closed type height design, it is higher than other manufacturers equipment about 40 cm, space increases means the proportion of metal dust particles per unit area is less. it is easy to quickly remove the smoke and dust generated during processing, thus effectively prolonging the life of machine parts.

At the same time, automatic induction dust prevention is added at the position where the switch exchange table and machine tool are connected.
The backplate truly achieves the concept of full enclosure design and compound environmental protection design.

#backplate #dnelaser #bystronic #metal #fullyautomatic #equipment #workshop #environment #machineparts #machinetool #design #lasercutting #lasercuttingmachine #metalworks

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : DNELaser
Contact Phone: 0755-66619768
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USA Jobs Online > Sales Jobs > The Special Design of Fully Automatic Sealed Dust-proof Backplate for DNE Laser Cutting Machine