Panax Ginseng Root Liquid (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Panax Ginseng Root Liquid

Job ID 743518  In Category: Other

Panax Ginseng Root Liquid

Hiring Company: Dalian Hongjiu Biotech Co., Ltd.
Location: Dalian, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 10, 2021 04:12:39 PM
Full Job Description:

Ginseng, a medicinal herb, has long been used in the Far East, particularly in Korea and China,as a respected herbal medicine in maintaining physical vitality. In Aisa, particularly, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer is considered to be the most precious plant among herbs, and ginseng has been in the spotlight worldwide.Even in the Western world, where thereare greatly advanced research facilities and highly qualified man-power available, and are regarded to be capable of conquering any hard-to-cure ailments.?Panax Ginseng Root LiquidProduct Name: Ginseng Root Extract LiquidBotanical Source: Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey.Specification: 4%-10% Ginseng ginsenosidesUsed Part: RootAppearance: Dark brown liquid??Active Ingredients: GinsenosidesMolecular Formula: C54H92O23Molecular Weight: 1109.29Function1. Enhancing immunity and the ability of antivirus and infection.2. Anti-aging, anti-fatigue, adjusting cerebral nervous system, enhancing hematopoietic function and promoting metabolism.3. Improving the ability of hepatic detoxifcatio and promoting restoration of hepatic tissue.?Application1. Ginseng Extract Applied in food field, it is a kind of nourishing food which has much benefits to brain;2. Ginseng Extract Applied in pharmaceutical field, it can be used to treat coronary heart disease and has good effect;3. Ginseng Extract Applied in cosmetic field, it owns the function of whitening, dispelling spot, anti- wrinkle and activating skin cells.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : swpt_gveJaVKk
Contact Phone: 8639705666
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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Panax Ginseng Root Liquid