Hiring Company: Treasure Hunt
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $55555 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 19, 2021 04:18:23 PM
Full Job Description:
GGTreasureHunt: Treasure hunt for all ages
Treasure Hunt:
The best activity for a whole family fun is treasure hunt you might ask yourself how? Well, every family needs a family outing to increase your bond well you can enjoy all of it with our treasure hunts with a wide variety of satisfied customers that played are game with their family and enjoyed every single second of it well you might ask which games do we have? I'm glad you asked because we have a wide variety of games such outdoor treasure hunts, Puzmat, Museum Quiz and so much more with the added benefit of it increasing your team building every single one of these will increase your team bonding and family bonding with our amazing quizzes and treasure hunts you will enjoy every second you spend in it and we have a lot of satisfied customers.
Online Tresure Hunts:
For the first time you don’t have to be face to face to enjoy our amazing treasure hunts we offer you digital treasure hunts yes you heard us right we provide you with digital treasure hunts our amazing treasure hunts will lead you to amazing and beautiful cities to discover our treasure hunts will take you all around the world and you can enjoy and you can have our special quarantine offer where you can get a membership of 2.99 per month and you can cancel anytime and that’s not all we help you learn interesting facts and stories from the places that you virtual visit our wanderlust will allow you to treasure hunt around the massive globe with a mixture of clues and puzzles to keep you on your toes every treasure hunt will increase with difficulty giving you a sense of accomplishment increasing in time with every difficulty.
Outdoor Treasure Hunts:
The great game is what we call our outdoor treasure hunt londonwith real treasure you will have a grand time solving the clues and
Treasure Hunt exploring the massive city.
You must be wondering how it works will provided with treasure map a compass and various clue to find your path if you follow the rules and are successful with finding all the clues you will be able to create an X on the map allowing you to see where the treasure is and at the treasure you will receive discount off your total food and drinking bill. You can choose from a wide verity of plan’s including single treasure hunt that gives you the sense of adventure and allowing you to solve the clues alone while travelling the city and stopping at pubs and that’s not all we also have treasure hunt race an exciting race with 2 paths leading to the same treasure.
Treasure Hunt London:
Our list of treasure hunts does not end there we still have a lot of games to go through such as Puzmat which is a unique and exciting game our customers describe it as an escape room in a box with its exciting twist and turns an original exciting game it’s a mat covered with puzzles, brain teasers and questions it is suitable up to 8 players with twist and turns to always keep you on your toes and keep your mind active you can play this game at your home with your friends and families and we have a lot of satisfied customers who love puzmat because of how exciting and interesting a game of puzmat lasts about 2-4 hours depending on the number of teams it is filled with colors and brain teasers.
Company Type: Staffing Firm
Contact Name : Treasure Hunt
Contact Phone: 07428 730133
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Number of Views: 259