Citric Acid Chelated Fertilizer Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mo (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Citric Acid Chelated Fertilizer Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mo

Job ID 752789  In Category: Other

Citric Acid Chelated Fertilizer Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mo

Location: ZhengZhou, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 27, 2021 01:27:56 PM
Full Job Description:

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Citric acid Chelated Fertilizer
Citric acid is an organic and mild chelating agent, so the citric acid chelated series fertilizers have medium chelation strength and exist in a molecular state under normal conditions. After being absorbed by the crop, metal ions and citric acid are slowly released in the crop, which not only greatly improves the absorption and utilization of trace elements, but also effectively promote crop growth and improve crop quality.

Citric acid is an organic acid that can be secreted and utilized by plants; medium chelation make the trace element content is higher in fertilizer, and easy to be absorbed, the nutrient utilization is also high.

When the decomposed free citric acid enters the soil, it not only improve the availability of soil phosphorus, but also use the chelation principle to repair the heavy metal pollution in soil, which has a significant promotion effect on the improvement of soil ecological environment.

3.Broad application
Not only can be applied to compound fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers, but also can be mixed with pesticides, plant growth regulators, etc.

Details dataļ¼š
1.Citric acid chelated Fe
Fe content --17.0%, PH Value 7.0-8.5

2.Citric acid chelated Mn
Mn content -- 17.0%, PH Value 7.0-8.5

3.Citric acid chelated Cu
Cu content -- 20.0%, PH Value 7.0-8.5

4.Citric acid chelated Zn
Zn content --20.0%, PH Value 7.0-8.5

5.Citric acid chelated compound fertilizer ( 6 trace elements, rich in Fe)
Fe--5.5%, B--4.0%, Zn--3.5%, Mn--2.0%, Cu--0.5%, Mo--0.1%

6.Citric acid chelated compound fertilizer ( 6 trace elements, rich in Zn)
Zn--5.5%, B--5.0%, Fe--3.5%, Mn--2.0%, Cu--0.5%, Mo--0.1%

Contact: Ms.Saturn Han
WhatsApp / Wechat / MP:+8613939070365

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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Citric Acid Chelated Fertilizer Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mo