Oligochitosan, Chitosan oligosaccharide (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Oligochitosan, Chitosan oligosaccharide

Job ID 752795  In Category: Other

Oligochitosan, Chitosan oligosaccharide

Location: ZhengZhou, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 27, 2021 01:29:50 PM
Full Job Description:

Click www.senyochem.com to get more information!
Henan Senyo Industry Co., Ltd.
Contact: Ms.Saturn Han
WhatsApp / Wechat / MP:+8613939070365
Email: saturn20092009@live.cn

Chitosan oligosaccharide / Oligochitosan is animal cellulose, which is small molecular oligosaccharides with amino groups that made from the shells of shrimp and crab shells, it is also the sugar chain with degree of polymerization 2-20.

Total sugar content and degree of polymerization are the key indicators to evaluate chitosan oligosaccharide. A large number of studies have shown that chitosan oligosaccharides with a polymerization degree of 3-7 have the highest activity, and have good water solubility and compatibility. In our products, the content of oligochitosan with a polymerization degree of 3-7 exceeds 90%.

Functions for Plants:
1,As a seed growth regulator.
2,Irrigation and foliar treatments to increase crop yields.
3,As slow release fertilizer, improve soil structure.
4,Can be made to high effective pesticide.

Mechanism of action:
After chitosan oligosaccharide is applied to the soil, it can cultivate a large number of beneficial bacteria such as actinomycetes in a short time, and can simultaneously inhibit harmful bacteria such as Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium oxysporum, mold, and Fusarium group. So it can promote the meristem of root cells, cause the capillary roots to increase rapidly, in the meantime, reduce the appearance dead roots and rotten roots, and promotes the development of root systems.

Same way, chitosan oligosaccharide can guide crops to produce a kind of chitinase enzyme to decompose and absorb chitin in nematode egg shells, dissolving nematode body walls and egg shells, leading to nematode and egg death. Earlier and regular use of chitosan oligosaccharides on crops can induce the amount of chitinase to remain at a high level for a long time, to achieve the purpose of preventing nematodes.

According to the measurement, after using chitosan oligosaccharide, the numbers of fiber-decomposing bacteria and autogenous nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil increase by nearly 10 times, and the number of actinomycetes increases by 30 times.

Therefore, when the nematode damage occurs during the growth or fruiting period of the crop, use chitosan oligosaccharide as root irrigation treatment is the best choice.

Functions for Animals:
1, Raise mammals specific and nonspecific immunity.
2, Proliferation of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and other beneficial bacteria and inhibit harmful bacteria .
3,Improving breeding animal intestinal structure and improve digestive function .
4, Promote mineral absorption and growth of farmed animals , improve weight gain and feed conversion ratio , significantly improved the quality of meat .
5, Protect the liver. Chitosan Oligosaccharide can adsorb heavy metal ions , radioactive elements , phenol, halogen compounds , pigments and other toxic substances.



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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Oligochitosan, Chitosan oligosaccharide