Staff (Engineering/Hardware Jobs)

Job ID 753144  In Category: Engineering/Hardware


Hiring Company: bb star
Location: london, Utah
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $02109 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 30, 2021 05:56:17 AM
Full Job Description:

To apply the necessary Rules & Regulations covering the scope of the train movement:
- Protection of the staff against the moving railway vehicles,
- Manual Operation of the turnouts,
- Work Approval Process,
- Third Rail Isolation
- Handling of Operation Incidents & Accidents,
- Temporary Operation Organization inside the CCC,
- To operate the ATS and SCADA systems from HMI,
- To operate the Signaling manually on site, from the Station Operation Rooms and remotely from the CCC,
- To define the specific train movement protection measures associated with each step of
the extension of the area made available for the Test Trains,
- To perform the coordination on site in order to assess the risks resulting from the train
movement into an uncompleted works and the on-going installation activities. If deemed
necessary, to produce complementary Rules & Regulations. To report formally to the TO
- To make sure all Incident and Accident related to the train movement will be covered by
a proper Report. To identify the cause (improper application of the rules, lack of rules or
engineering issue). In case of lack of coverage, to make sure proper Rules will be issued,
- To ensure the persons involved in the train movement are duly trained on the rules and have a sufficient knowledge of their duties,
- To manage the train movement on the day to day basis
- To perform the Test Train Daily Operation Schedule, containing all relevant information
about the Test Train related activities, including the approved works along the tracks or
inside the technical rooms,
- To give instructions in real time to the Traffic Controller and to the Traction Power Supply
Controller, whenever needed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- To issue the Train Mission Order to the Test Train Driver, record which driver is on which
train and the way to communicate with the driver (TETRA Radio number, mobile phone
- To Collect from permit to work coordinator, the instructions according to the test
zone assigned for dynamic test,
- Coordinate with Electrical Isolation Coordinator and Permit to Work Coordinator for
all the track access requests when necessary,
- Be authorized to stop the work in case there is imminent risk,
- To follow the Risk Analysis hazards and control measure in place prior starting any
activity, ex word counter
- To produce regular statistics relevant to the Operation activities.

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : chin woo
Contact Phone: 21878222
Contact Email  :
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