File Upload (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > File Upload

Job ID 756470  In Category: Other

File Upload

Hiring Company: File Upload
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $55555 per Week
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Apr 18, 2021 01:56:18 PM
Full Job Description:

Filemail: Upload large files for your everyday needs
Sometimes people want to upload files to use them later or with their office because it's hard to do this kind of stuff because it's hard to find a legitimate site that you can upload files too and use later and if you came to our website while searching for one then you came to the right place because you can come here and upload files its very easy and anybody can do it that’s why people use our website because it is secure and fast and with the added benefit of virus protection you will be satisfied with our service because for us user satisfaction is and always will be our number one priority we strive to be the best uploading website that you use and we try to provide all kinds of features to our users that they can utilize without any problems.

We pride ourself with our service and with that we also have pride in being an established business because we have helped people share and upload files free since 2008 so you don’t have to worry because we will surely give you the best experience possible in the future Aswell because for us users are important and we try to get work done and provide safe environment so you might be asking yourself how long will we be hosting your files on our website and the answer to that is 7 days we will keep and host your files on File Upload our server for 7 days after that the files will vanish and you would have to reupload them to use them and the limitations on the account only come on the free version as you are allowed to upload twice in 24 hours and have a 5GB upload limit on the uploads.

Upload big files:
As you already know when anybody uses this service to service, they don’t usually upload small files because they have a lot of work, they like to upload big files and that’s because of the work that they do and how big it is and it makes all the difference in the world because it helps when the upload limit on a website is high like the upload limit present on our website is 5GB and you can freely upload files free and if that’s not your style if you sign up for our premium then you will have even more features and with that you will not have any limits on uploads what so ever our paying users do not have limits on their daily upload and they do not have 5gb upload limits because of the premium features.

It would be a stupid mistake not to use our website for uploading files because we have the best upload system and our service doesn't end their because we try to give you the best experience possible and that is why we have virus protection so you can be rest assured that you will not get virus infected files and we also give our free users a lot of space with minimal limits and try to give you the best experience possible because user experience is extremely important to us and that is why we have been working since 2008 to create the best and greatest file upload website available and you will not be disappointed what so ever with your user experience.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : File Upload
Contact Phone: 07428 730133
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Number of Views: 387
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > File Upload