Data Collector Appen (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Data Collector Appen

Job ID 769199  In Category: Other

Data Collector Appen

Hiring Company: Appen
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Job Type: Temporary & Other
Salary: $15 per Other
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 02, 2021 09:13:17 PM
Full Job Description:

We are in need of Android users (Smartphone or Tablet) who are speaking Native English located/residing in USA for our ongoing speech data collection project.

Task Description:

Record 160 short American English prompts through a recording webpage. You will be given a setting (eg. stand close or a few feet away from your phone etc) and an imagined scenario to work on.
You should speak a minimum of 6 seconds per scenario provided to you. If you are assigned a task requiring to work with a partner, each partner will need to speak at least 10 seconds.
Specific instructions on the tasks will be given via email upon assignment to the project.

Interested? Email me at or use this link to register with Appen:

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Jaz Par
Contact Phone: 10101010
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 177
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Data Collector Appen