Location: New Orleans,
Job Type: Temporary & Other
Salary: $15 per Other
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 02, 2021 09:13:17 PM
Full Job Description:
We are in need of Android users (Smartphone or Tablet) who are speaking Native English located/residing in USA for our ongoing speech data collection project.
Task Description:
Record 160 short American English prompts through a recording webpage. You will be given a setting (eg. stand close or a few feet away from your phone etc) and an imagined scenario to work on.
You should speak a minimum of 6 seconds per scenario provided to you. If you are assigned a task requiring to work with a partner, each partner will need to speak at least 10 seconds.
Specific instructions on the tasks will be given via email upon assignment to the project.
Interested? Email me at jpar@appen.com or use this link to register with Appen:
Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Jaz Par
Contact Phone: 10101010
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 177