Hiring Company: The Best Metal Detectors High-Tech..
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 27, 2021 03:09:34 AM
Full Job Description:
Ajax detection technology is a high-tech innovation enterprise with international leading instrument technology and design platform. We introduce the oversea technology and attract the top talents from the domestic industries. We are committed to the development of the high quality metal detectors and
gold detectors with international standards and tailored for the users.
Gold and Metal Detection Ajax Technology..
You may find in markets many metal detectors in different shapes, brands and technologies, but most of them do not have high quality, efficiency, ease of use, accurate results or may users may face difficulty in carrying and navigate as well, therefore search and prospecting is useless.
Based on the above, AJAX detection technology has manufactured a set of metal,
gold detectors and groundwater detectors based on scientific, technical and experienced engineering team with high expertise and competencies represented by the following departments.
Our Vision..
AJAX Detection Technology’s vision is based on success and superiority. It strives to be always ahead in quality and excellence. Its slogan from the early beginnings was “Quality Worth Trust”. this could only be achieved by choosing best technologies and building local expertise focusing on training and development.
In fact, its main principle in choosing equipments and materials was, and still is, the high technical specifications that could help create a superior product. As a result, those efforts lead to the brilliant reputation AJAX Detection Technology Products have gained; known to be the best, though not the best price.
Our Mission..
AJAX Detection Technology LTD believes that the slogan of honesty and clarity in dealing and at work are the foundations of solid partnership with clients. The industrial development shouldn’t be on the expenses of the environment, and the social development.
In order to realize that, AJAX adopts renewable approaches in the fields of business and administration, and relies on its network of distinguished connections locally and throughout the whole world. Indeed, those goals wouldn’t have come true without the practical translation of these slogans into reality.
CEO and Founder Speech..
It gives me a great pleasure to start with extending my deepest gratitude to our partners in success: those who deal with AJAX Detection Technology LTD, customers, suppliers, workers and officials.
Here’s a brief about our past experience, current projects, future goals and practical capabilities. AJAX Detection Technology started its activities in 1998 as an exclusive distributor for Metal & Groundwater Detector products in different regions like Middle East Countries and some African Countries , by late of 2015 AJAX started its scientific research and experiments to produce a series of Metal & Groundwater Detectors.
AJAX Detection Technology LTD is a registered American Brand with ownership rights, whereas our sales department is located in Istanbul – Turkey with attracting American experts, engineers and technicians.
Even though we encountered many difficulties during our career, but we believe that we achieved our goal with success. Our pride is built on a talented and high qualified team, high financial levels and the trust given by our customers worldwide, and above all our work team is looking forward to achieve the same goals we are working on. Whether partners, managers, engineers, financial and administrative staff, technicians or workers, we all work to build a strong and prosperous future. we are always available where our customers are ..
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : The Best Metal Detectors High-Tech..
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