Feed Pellet Mill (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Feed Pellet Mill

Job ID 774216  In Category: Other

Feed Pellet Mill

Location: Zhengzhou, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Aug 06, 2021 12:19:26 PM
Full Job Description:

Application Widely used in large, medium and small aquacultrure, grain and feed processing plants, livestock farms, poultry farms, individual farmers and feed factories. Product introduction Also known as pellet feed mill machine, it’s a feed processing machine that directly compresses particles...Also known as pellet feed mill machine, it’s a feed processing machine that directly compresses particles by crushing materials such as corn, soybean meal, straw, grass and rice husk under a certain ingredient based on different animals. Particle shape is normally clinder, and its diameter & length size depends on the different animals.

Pellet mill machine is the main machine of the pelletizing section, and it normally equipped with feeder, air conditioners, cooler including materials feeding, aging, pelleting and cooling in this system.

Under the combined action of moisture, temprature and pressure, the mixed materials will undergo a certain physical and chemical reaction. So the pellet feed will easy to be digested and absorbed by animals, animals can convert it into weight gain in a short time, and helps farmers get max profit from their farm.


Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : swpt_aFqluXWr
Contact Phone: 868888888
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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Feed Pellet Mill