Android Developer (Internet/New Media/Web Jobs)

Job ID 789073  In Category: Internet/New Media/Web

Android Developer

Hiring Company: Andersen Lab
Location: Manhattan, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $25 per Hour
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 07, 2021 12:39:55 AM
Full Job Description:


The customer company is the largest bank in the Ural region, which occupies strong positions in the top 50 credit organizations of Russia according to key financial indicators. Its main areas of activity are lending to corporate and individual clients, operation in the interbank and securities markets, the attraction of citizens' funds in deposits, and foreign exchange transactions.

We invite you to join the project on the development of mobile banking, which has the following functionality:

All bank products in one application;
Up-to-date status of all accounts on the main screen;
Opening deposits with an increased interest rate and controlling the accrual of interest;
Repaying loans and monitoring the payment schedule;
Analyzing expenses for each card;
Money transfers and payments to any organizations;
Receiving offers on loans, deposits, and cards with individual conditions.


3 or more years of commercial Android development experience;
Experience with Kotlin / Java;
Understanding of architectures: MVP, MVVM;
Understanding of the principles of Clean Architecture;
Understanding of basic data structures and algorithms;
Knowledge of Android SDK (API level 21 and higher);
Work experience with Android architecture components, RxJava, Dagger2, Retrofit, Room, Glide;
Understanding of working with Firebase (Push, Analytics, Crashlytics);
Ability to write custom View;
Experience with Git (+submodules);
Willingness to understand other people's code, conduct and review.

Desired skills

Knowledge and use of data structures and algorithms;
Links to Github (Gitlab) with your projects;
Your own and/or team-developed applications;
Experience with app publishing;
Articles about Android development;
Experience with methodologies: Scrum/Agile;
Experience in preparing Unit tests.

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Vladimir Nichiporovich
Contact Phone: 1(917) 720-3273
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 225