What are the Ayurvedic treatments to cure Vitiligo? (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > What are the Ayurvedic treatments to cure Vitiligo?

Job ID 789912  In Category: Other

What are the Ayurvedic treatments to cure Vitiligo?

Hiring Company: Ayurhealthline Vitiligo
Location: noida, Indiana
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $201016
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 14, 2021 01:04:17 PM
Full Job Description:

The vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda causes a better and positive significant impact on the affected patients, this vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda increases the pigmentation in the skin of the patients. The vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda also helps in rectifying the malfunctioning of the body’s autoimmune system. Many ayurvedic drugs help the body patients to regenerate the required pigment in the skin, the patients are prescribed have these ayurvedic drugs as result it increases the pigmentation in their body without any side effects, whereas the steroids and other medications cause extreme allergies, suppress the immune system and causes extreme side effects. The vitiligo treatment ayurvedic drugs consist of several plant-based substances which include Shvitra or Kilasa, Mustard or Brassica nigra; these are mostly used in the ayurvedic drug. The ayurvedic vitiligo treatment can change the colour patches in the skin, hair colour and reduces itching redness in the skin. https://www.ayurhealthline.com/Vitiligo-Treatment.html

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Ayurhealthline Vitiligo
Contact Phone: +91-8000006093
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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > What are the Ayurvedic treatments to cure Vitiligo?