Architectural Designer (Arts/Media/Design Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Arts/Media/Design Jobs > Architectural Designer

Job ID 790011  In Category: Arts/Media/Design

Architectural Designer

Hiring Company: Archimorphic
Location: LOS ANGELES, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $49712 per Year
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 15, 2021 05:09:50 PM
Full Job Description:

Architectural Designer (full time) – Archimorphic Inc., 2917 W. Temple Street, #101, Los Angeles, CA 90026.
Under supervision of the principal architects, draft architectural designs and build architectural models; operate computer-aided design (CAD) software; coordinate structural, electrical, and mechanical designs and design models; prepare colored drawings of landscape and interior designs; analyze building codes, by-laws, space and site requirements; perform predesign services; review clients' special requirements. Requires Bachelor’s degree in architecture or closely related field and 24 months of work experience as Architectural or project or technical designer or closely related. Knowledge and experience with a broad range of software programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, Maya, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and SketchUP for design, design development, coordination and construction documents. Send resume and cover letter to Archimorphic Inc., ATTN: HR, 2917 W. Temple Street, #101, Los Angeles, CA 90026.
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Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : LUOYA TU
Contact Phone: 2135370252
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Number of Views: 221
USA Jobs Online > Arts/Media/Design Jobs > Architectural Designer