Owner (Internet/New Media/Web Jobs)

Job ID 793116  In Category: Internet/New Media/Web


Hiring Company: Saluda Digital Marketing
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 3 - 5 Years
Last Update: Jan 15, 2022 12:43:38 PM
Full Job Description:

Saluda Digital Marketing's team of SEO experts and Certified Google Ads managers have been at it 23+ years and have been identified by Google as being in the top 3% of ads managers. All our methods are approved by Google and will set you up for long-term success. Need a website or landing page? Gotcha covered with a team of professionals. And, you'll find our social media packages to be competitively priced and packed with high-quality value. We're dedicated to making your business known, liked and trusted online. Your business's success means our business's success! Talk to us today about a package that's just right for your business, whether it's a start-up, a Fortune 500 company, or anything in between.Keywords:
SEO, Google Ads Management, Web Design, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Management, Get Business Reviews, Get Google Reviews, Facebook and Instagram Ads, online ordering app for restaurants
Saluda Digital Marketing's team of SEO experts and Certified Google Ads managers have been at it 23+ years and have been identified by Google as being in the top 3% of ads managers. All our methods are approved by Google and will set you up for long-term success. Need a website or landing page? Gotcha covered with a team of professionals. And, you'll find our social media packages to be competitively priced and packed with high-quality value. We're dedicated to making your business known, liked and trusted online. Your business's success means our business's success! Talk to us today about a package that's just right for your business, whether it's a start-up, a Fortune 500 company, or anything in between.
Opening Hours:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday
Year In Business:
Social Link:
GMB Links:
Youtube Video Link:

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Saluda Marketing
Contact Phone: 8642021873
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 140