Impotence (Healthcare Jobs)

Job ID 796324  In Category: Healthcare


Hiring Company: Healthcare
Location: Charlotte, Colorado
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $28209
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 20, 2022 02:47:08 AM
Full Job Description:

Impotence. What is it?
Impotence is called the lack of erection of the in men, leading to the impossibility of intercourse. Often this, certainly a pathological condition, is accompanied by a lack of desire (libido) and a feeling of orgasm, accelerated ejaculation, which, of course, significantly reduces the quality (and quantity) of life and has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional status of a man, interpersonal and family relationships.

For a long time, the diagnosis of "impotence" was made to all men, without exception, who complained to the doctor about a decrease in the duration and strength of an erection. However, in a large number of these patients, the erection is preserved, it is simply not strong enough for a normal intercourse.

In addition, it turned out that there are much more men with a reduced quality of erection than with its complete absence. So now the term "erectile dysfunction" is more often used, i.e. erectile dysfunction, and impotence is just an extreme degree of these violations.

There are also secondary impotence, when a normal erection was still there before, and primary - in cases where there has never been a normal erection at all. It is believed that function weakens over time. Actually it is not. In the absence of diseases that cause erectile dysfunction, every man can have a quality life at 50 and 60 years old. Why does this happen?

Previously, it was believed that the main causes of impotence are problems of a psychological nature or a violation of the exchange of hormones. However, it is now clear that although the psychological factor contributes to the development of the disease, the main cause is organic changes in the mechanism of erection. 

According to the latest data, among the main causes of impotence and erectile dysfunction are:

Mental: depression, stress. 

Nervous: injuries, damage to the intervertebral discs, multiple sclerosis, alcohol abuse, pelvic surgery, etc.

Arterial: hypertension, smoking, diabetes. 

Venous: violations in the mechanism of limiting the outflow of blood from the. 

Medications: taking pressure-reducing drugs, antidepressants, luteinizing hormone, and some other drugs.

What's happening?
There are many reasons, but the main culprits for the decrease in potency are progressive atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tobacco and alcohol addiction. With these diseases, changes occur in the vessels of the body, as a result of which the walls of the veins and arteries lose their flexibility and elasticity, become brittle and brittle, which is one of the most common causes of impotence

In a normal state, under the influence of impulses from the central nervous system, the walls of the vessels relax as a result of which blood quickly fills the  The arteries that increase in volume compress small vessels, through which, in an unexcited state, blood is discharged into the veins; the outflow of blood is sharply reduced, which provides an erection

However, the progression of atherosclerosis and, as a result, the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, the use of drugs that reduce blood pressure, diabetic vascular lesions, alcohol abuse, stress - all this, together and separately, reduces the ability to have a normal erection.

Diagnosis and treatment

The call to pay more attention to one's own health is not empty words. According to statistics, only every tenth man, faced with disorders, turns to a specialist. Meanwhile, in more than half of the cases, an erection can be restored. It is only necessary to correctly understand the causes of the problem. And here you can’t do without consulting a specialist - it’s worth visiting an andrologist, who will deal with your problem. You can use sometimes for increase potency.

First of all, the doctor will find out if inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, bladder, etc. are hidden behind violations in the genital area. smear.

If inflammatory diseases are not detected, the doctor may refer you to an appointment with an endocrinologist, since potency disorders are often associated with hormonal disorders.

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