In response to the needs of different working conditions, we have developed a quintuple eccentric metal to metal bi-direction butterfly valve on the basis of triple eccentricity.
The first one is eccentric; the center of the true circle is eccentric, and every tangent of the sealing ring perpendicular to the centerline of the channel is a true circle, and the center of each facet is eccentric to the centerline of the channel.
The second one is eccentric; the shaft is eccentric, the sealing surface is placed on the side of the valve stem, and the sealing surface is eccentric to the valve stem,
The third is eccentric; the diameter is eccentric, the valve stem is on one side of the center line of the valve channel, and the valve stem is eccentric to the center of the channel.The fourth eccentric, the top of the elliptical cone is eccentric, and the circumferential line of the perfect circular sealing ring is extended to form an elliptical cone, and the top of the elliptical cone is eccentric to the center of the channel.