Fly Ash Bricks Making Machine Cost (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Fly Ash Bricks Making Machine Cost

Job ID 798079  In Category: Other

Fly Ash Bricks Making Machine Cost

Location: quanzhou, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 05, 2022 11:18:45 AM
Full Job Description:

What is the role of the silo, and what is the effect without the silo?

It is used to store bulk cement and is suitable for customers who use automatic cement metering and convenient bulk cement supply.

If you do not use the silo, you must use bagged cement:

(1) The price of bagged cement is relatively high;

(2) If you use bagged cement, you need more labor;

(3) If the silo is not used, the weight of the cement needs to be manually measured, and the measurement is inaccurate, which affects the quality of the brick.
Hollow brick is 8-10MPA, paver is 25-30MA; you can adjust the receipe, such as adjusting the specific gravity and label of cement, adding admixture, adjusting the exciting force and vibration time, improving the curing method and so on to improve the brick's anti-pressure.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : swpt_46yofxB6
Contact Phone: 8686799299
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Number of Views: 168
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Fly Ash Bricks Making Machine Cost